
Established in 2020, providing body-mind-spiritual services. Before that it was co-operated with friends as Raphaworkshop (Since 2018). It was including Akashic record and Tarot reading, but now more focusing on Spinal Flow Technique, and other consultations. Also providing private class, workshops and retreats.

Afifon前身為2018年合辨的Raphaworkshop。曾提供靈性服務,包括阿卡西紀錄,塔羅牌閱讀。於2020轉型,並以Afifon 為主軸, 提供更全面、正向及切合健康的身心靈服務, 主要提供Spinal Flow Technique及阿育吠陀等身心健康諮詢。亦會提供私人班,工作坊及舉辦身心靈修營。

about afifon

about Suki

Suki, from Hong Kong, graduated at Lingnan University with BA(Hons) Visual Studies. She pursued her inner growth and life path after having a rough time on having full time job. She discovered spiritual and inner growth helping a lot on her journey. So, she has started her spiritual and holistic career since 2018, mainly providing Akashic Record consultation and class teaching.

In 2022, she expands her insight by studying Bach Flower Essence Remedies and Ayurveda, which guided her to focus on mental and body.

In 2023, she is a certified spinal flow technique practitioner, Ayurveda Food Coach and Ayurveda Spa Therapist. In 2024, she is certified on Ayurveda Wellness Advisor, Ayurveda Yoga and 200hours Vinyasa Yoga Teacher. Now she is studying Panchakarma.

Suki, 2018年投入身心靈事業,主要幫助客人開啟並閱讀akashic record。2019年開始教班,並發展為全職身心靈工作者。2022年展開藥草療癒、巴哈花精及阿育吠陀諮詢,開拓更全面的身心靈服務。

2023年取得spinal flow technique,阿育吠陀食療療法及阿育吠陀Spa體療師。2024年年初取得阿育吠陀瑜珈療法,阿育吠陀養生療癒師課程及200小時流瑜珈導師牌。現修讀阿育吠陀panchakarma 體療師課程。