Our Services

Spinal Flow Technique

Spinal flow technique is a non-invasive technique from Australia to help your body recovers itself, like body pain, posture adjustment and emotion/trauma release. By tapping your access point on your body, there will be a life force created so as to release the blockages in your spine.

So during the session, we will help you to increase your life force to remove the blockages (like emotion and trauma) and flow smoothly by contacting your access point and some part of your body. Sessions times, healing times and feeling will be based on different situation.

Spinal flow technique 是源於澳洲的一套非入侵性身體治療。佢主張人的身體會自我療癒。而方法亦都係非常gentle。主要按你身體某幾個部位,令你身體進入flow,然後就開始調理。所以佢不是啪骨。但調理時間因人而異,有人可能很短,有人可能很長。但過程中你會很放鬆。到session完結後都會感受到有所不同。

價錢 (in HKD):
單次session: $850/次(新客第一次報會有單次session 9折)

*雙人spinal flow 每次session可平$50,時間會90分鐘。

Price (in HKD):
$840/session (new client will enjoy 10% off for their first single session);
10 -12 times in 4weeks, $650/session;
8times in 3 weeks, $680/session;
6times in 2 weeks, $680/session;
6times in 3 weeks, $700/session;
4times in 1-2 weeks, $700/session

Duration/ 時間: 60-75mins
*Duo spinal flow will be last 90mins, and $50 discount for each session.

P.S.: 70% non-refundable deposit will be collected, the remaining balance will be settled on the session day /2nd/4th session (based on which packages you book)

Price are in half price if aged under 12 or over 60. (Notice: children can only have 30mins/session as maximum)

Bach flower remedies and channeling will be provided if necessary.



Ayurveda Wellness Consultation

Ayurveda is a traditional Indian Wisdom. Ayur means life; Veda means knowledge/science, together will be “The Knowledge/Science of Life”.

So, this service is not only spinal flow technique will be provided, but also will ayurveda (diet/spa/yoga) so as to balance and heal your body, mental and mind all-rounded.

Each session will serve with different services/therapy based on your situation after consultation. So its your soul/body needed, but not what you think you need.




價錢 (in HKD): $600/45分鐘(可遙距)

Price (in HKD): $600/45mins (face to face or distance)
Follow up advice session: $400/30mins (face to face or distance)

Duration/ 時間: 45-60mins
P.S.: 7成不可退還訂金會在預約時收取。
70% non-refundable deposit will be collected

Price are in half price if aged over 60.

Ayurveda Spa / Panchakarma Therapy

By using Ayurveda Spa Therapy, your body will get relax and heal through different hands-on method.

In this service, you can choose which type of spa you prefer together with my advice, in order to help your body not only be relax, but also can be healed and balanced.

There are: Whole Body; Back; Feet; Head-Shoulder-Neck; Head & Face
(All will be on oil / powder; shower will be provided)

Price (in HKD):
Ayurveda spa & body healing*(include spinal flow**):

$900/75mins; $1100/90mins

(Can either choose whole body, back, upper back, lower back, etc)

Add $100 can use patra pinda svedana, jambeera pinda svedana, chuna pinda svedana or vashti (will be advised by Suki)

For head & face spa massage (mukahbyanga) + shirodhara: $850/~60mins

Ayurveda health & wellness advice session will only provide advice from the angle on food & diet, yoga, spa/massage and daily life to help your situation, no hands on or body healing included.

*for booking Ayurveda spa & body healing, it must be completed or advised by Ayurveda health & wellness session before. Or consulted by other Ayurveda doctor with instructions for Panchakarma.

**if only looking for spinal flow session, please refer to previous spinal flow post; only dm me for the price of excluding spinal flow.

50% of non refundable price will be collected.

All price are in HKD.








另外,除了shirodhara外,其他體療完成後都會有約20分鐘spinal flow。如果只需要spinal flow的可參考之前spinal flow的價錢。如只需要體療可另行諮詢我

價錢(in HKD):

Spa massage(包spinal flow):$900/75分鐘;$1100/90分鐘




預約時會先收取一半non refundable 訂金


Animal / Kid Session

All of the above therapies can be applied on kids/animals. Except spinal flow technique, other services can be in distance. Below are the price:

以上服務都能夠應用於小朋友及動物身上,除了spinal flow technique外,其他服務都能遙距進行。

Price/價錢(in HKD):

Spinal flow technique: $420/session

Each session around 30 mins
動物的spinal flow session會大約共30分鐘。

Channeling & Bach flower remedies consultation are also provided if necessary.


If over 15mins, $200/15mins will be added up.